When is the ‘right time’ for men to have children? Seeking men’s views
Selected publications and outputs
Hudson, N, Culley, L, Law, C, Mitchell, H, Denny, E, Raine-Fenning, N (2015) ‘We needed to change the mission statement of the marriage’: biographical disruptions, appraisals and revisions amongst couples living with endometriosis, Sociology of Health and Illness, online DOI: 10.1111/1467-9566.12392.
Norton, W, Crawshaw, M, Hudson, N, Culley, L, Law, C. (2015) A survey of Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) fertility clinics’ approach to surrogacy arrangements, Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 31, 3, 327–338.
Culley, L. Hudson, N. Mitchell, H. Law, C. (2014) The impact of endometriosis on planning for and having children: findings from the Endopart Study, Journal of Fertility Counselling 21 2, 22-2.
Culley, L, Law, C, Hudson, N, Denny, E, Mitchell, H, Baumgarten, M, Raine-Fenning, N. (2013) The social and psychological impact of endometriosis on women's lives: a critical narrative review, Human Reproduction Update, 19, 6, 625-639.
Culley, L, Hudson, N, Mitchell, H, Law, C, Denny, E, Raine-Fenning, N (2013) Endometriosis: Improving the Wellbeing of Couples, Leicester: De Montfort University (www.dmu.ac.uk/endopartreport).
Selected conference papers
Law, C. ‘Researching reproduction with men: philosophical and methodological challenges’, paper to be presented to the Social Studies of Reproduction: Techniques, Methods and Reflexive Movements stream of the International Sociological Association’s Research Committee on Logic and Methodology (RC33) 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, University of Leicester, UK, 11-16 September 2016.
Law, C. ‘Critical Studies of Men and Masculinities (CSM) and reproduction research with men: rationale, limitations and opportunities’, paper presented to the Feminism and Gender in the Social Sciences Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, 17 June 2016.
Law, C. ‘What do men perceive to be the ‘right time’ for parenthood? Past literature and future explorations’, paper presented to the Postponing Childbirth, Extending Fertility? Biotechnologies and the Transformation of Reproductive Life Symposium, De Montfort University, Leicester, 12-13 May 2016.
Culley, L, Hudson, N, Mitchell, H, Law, C, Denny, E, Raine-Fenning, N. ‘The impact of endometriosis on the intimate lives of heterosexual couples’, presentation delivered at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology course: Sexual functioning in women dealing with infertility and/or endometriosis, Leuven, Belgium, 24-25 September 2015.
Hudson, N, Culley, L, Mitchell, H, Law, C, Denny, E, Raine-Fenning, N. ‘Men living with endometriosis: perceptions and experiences of male partners of women with the condition’, paper presented to the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology Annual Meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 14-17 June 2015.
Law, C, Culley, L, Hudson, N, Mitchell, H, Denny, E, Raine-Fenning, N. ‘Endometriosis: Improving the wellbeing of couples: study findings and recommendations’, invited talk delivered to Endometriosis UK Annual General Meeting and Information Day, Coventry, UK, 19 October 2013.
Law, C, Culley, L, Hudson, N, Denny, E, Mitchell H ‘Endometriosis, biographical appraisals and the couple unit’, paper presented to the British Sociological Association's 2013 Medical Sociology Annual Conference, University of York, UK, 11-13 September 2013.
Hudson, N, Culley, L, Law, C, Denny, E, Mitchell, H, Baumgarten, M, Raine-Fenning, N ‘‘I’ve gone into a consultancy to really lay the law down, you know, get it sorted’: men’s perceptions of their role in treatment-seeking for endometriosis’, paper presented to the 17th International Congress of the International Society of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISPOG), Berlin, Germany, 22-24 May 2013.
Law, C, Culley, L, Hudson, N, Denny, E, Baumgarten, M, Raine-Fenning, N, Mitchell, H ‘‘I don’t know what sex is like without pain’: the impact of endometriosis on sexual relationships in couples’, paper presented to the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) International Nursing Research Conference 2013, Belfast, UK, 20-22 March 2013.
Culley, L, Hudson, N, Law, C, Denny, E ‘Technologies of Hope? Men’s Perceptions of Endometriosis and Its Treatment’, paper presented to the Fourth International Conference on Science in Society, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 15-17 November 2012.
Culley, L, Hudson, N, Denny, E, Law, C, Baumgarten, M, Raine-Fenning, N, Mitchell, H ‘Men’s perceptions of improving couple support in endometriosis: the role of qualitative research’, paper presented to the 18th Qualitative Health Research Conference, Montreal, Canada, 23-25 October 2012.
Hudson, N, Culley, L, Denny, E, Mitchell, H, Raine-Fenning, N, Law, C ‘Men, gender and endometriosis: accounts of chronic illness from the ‘well’ partner’, paper presented to the British Sociological Association's 2012 Medical Sociology Annual Conference, University of Leicester, UK, 5-7 September 2012.